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Saturday 5 November, 2011

Keenen's Murder - Is it a simple case of "Eve teasing gone awry"?

Keenen's Murder - Is it a simple case of "Eve teasing gone awry"?

The murder of Keenen & Reuben - Is it a simple case of a group of youngsters getting involved with a few goons who were indulging in "Eve teasing" and the whole thing went horribly wrong?

Do read the following article:

In particular, I'd like to draw your attention to the following part of the above article:


Keenan and his other friends had also tipped-off the police about the circulation of pirated film CDs three years ago. And two years ago, he had acted as decoy and helped the police during their raid on a Juhu pub. More than 240 youngsters were allegedly caught with drugs during the raid."

Reuben Fernandez's friends, too, remember him as a fitness freak and who was always ready to fight for any "right cause".

"He was very passionate about his country. He had gathered residents to join the protest march against corruption from Juhu to Bandra. He knew the Lokpal Bill by heart," said his brother Benjamin, an investment banker.

(Source: Keenan & Reuben fought for the right cause)


I wonder if one of those 240 odd youngsters who allegedly got caught with drugs or someone who was against the Lokpal Bill was in any way involved. What if one of those obviously powerful people specifically hired these goons who actually went after Keenen & Reuben after following them discretely for a few days?

I certainly hope that the authorities look at all possible angles and do a thorough investigation.



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