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Thursday, 6 June 2013

National Food Security Bill

Food Security is Critical

No Ordinance Please!

At one plane, hunger and starvation deaths are a ground reality in India. 

At another plane, we're running a huge fiscal deficit. We certainly require laws to ensure right to life by providing Universal Food Security. 

At the same time, we can't let the fiscal deficit go out of hand. Any increase in fiscal deficit is a direct attack on the poor, because they are the ones who are most impacted by the bane of inflation.

Considering the complexities involved and the divergent opinions that are there regarding the modalities of achieving Universal Food Security across different political parties, it is certainly ridiculous that the Government is trying to push the National Food Security Bill through by way of an Ordinance. They must not do so. There must be an extensive debate in parliament with adequate time for obtaining the views and ideas of all political parties.

Obviously we must take this up on a priority basis, if required by having a special session of parliament, considering the urgency of the matter.

The delay of every single day in passing a Food Security bill results in additional loss of life of the poor.
